Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Jonathan's Eagle Scout Ceremony

To prepare for the Ceremony Jon and I were in charge of making some Reeses peanut butter cookies. We made a lot and decided to make a pile of the wrappers to help visualize how many wrappers we used. Jon ate a few of the peanut butter cups along the way and towards the end wasn't feeling too good.

Grandma, Grandpa, and Aunt Gloria all made it to Jon's ceremony held in the Firth's garage. They braved the stormy weather and were the life of the party.

This is when Jon and Tyler officially became Eagle Scouts. It was a memorable evening.


daherfamily said...

man, you guys did make a lot of cookies! that was a pretty funny picture. thanks for helping with the kids this weekend. you're the best!

Anonymous said...

Wish we could have been there. It looked fabulous! Way to go Jonny!
Love you,
Aunt Sue