Thursday, May 29, 2008

Golf Outing :: Quail Creek with Papa G, Jon, and Mother

After numerous unsuccessful attempts to get mother to play golf with us we finally got her this past Saturday. We planted flowers and cleaned up the house so she could go with us. Turns out mom is pretty good. We all had an enjoyable round. Papa G better watch out... Mother guaranteed that next year at this time she could beat him. This next year should be fun.


daherfamily said...

mom's form looks fabulous!

lmhiserman said...

Jason send this message on to your momr...Merrill is so proud of you. And, to think that at Pebble Beach, he couldn't get you to hit a ball. Now you have a reason to come back out again for a little! Way to go. He thought you did great.
Lisa and Merrill

Anonymous said...

Wendy looks great and the golf outtings are going to become co-ed!
hugs, aunt Sue p.s. Jas, you need to put these blogs on our blog so they can be in the book uncle John make at the end of the year.

daherfamily said...

you need to update your blog. i want to see some us open stuff!

daherfamily said...

Keep lifting those weights - we're gonna need to enlist your big guns to help us move in a month!!

Get excited!

Don't worry, we will provide complimentary ice water.